Monday, May 14, 2007

The Buzz Builds...

With some trepidation, I placed a call to the very busy editor of a fish-farming publication. I needed some advice, but instead ended up leaving just a voicemail.

A couple of days afterwards, said editor unexpectedly called me back, and after some polite banter I told her that this call would probably be an imposition on her important time, so I would be brief. We ended up talking for about an hour, and she thanked me for the diversion. She was wonderfully informative, and we ended up having more than a few laughs.

She happened to mention that on those days when she can no longer stand the intensity, she sometimes finds herself in a casual conversation that somehow comes back around to her job as an editor of a fish-farming magazine. She said: “It seems everybody has been asking me the same question lately: ‘Do you think I might be able to raise my own fish?’” I laughed a little too loud, I guess, and she asked: “Does that sound dumb to you?”

I told her of the story that comprises the very first entry in this blog. (It was the same story, just different people). I said I thought that perhaps we were witness to something that was generating a lot of buzz. We decided that people were suspicious about all the things being put into their food. Together, it seems that organic everything is more and more in demand, as each year goes by. We spoke about the perceived increase in consumer demand for domestic-raised fish. Altogether, a grand discussion with someone who is out there with an ear to the tracks, well ahead of the world as it is currently reported, albeit in the non-industry press. Thank you, Fraun. By the way, there is a great article here: and here:

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