Thursday, May 17, 2007

Melamine Found in Fish Feed

Why do some folks want to grow their own fish, while others clamor for organic farm grown fish, and that from domestic sources? I presume the whole “melamine mess” has something to do with it. A brief backgrounder on the stuff wouldn’t hurt, right?

Justus von Liebig, way back in 1834, first synthesized Melamine. Many consider the German chemist as "father of the fertilizer industry." Whatever. (He can go back upon his pedestal after a short time, says I).

After reports emerged linking melamine to pet illness and deaths, a recall of pet food by Menu Foods and additional pet food producers subsequently ensued, followed by a media barrage.

Sorry, but truth be told, the stuff’s also in poultry feed; in hog feed; and has been additionally discovered in some fish feed. Yep, it’s that old white melamine, got us in its spell – a.k.a. Plastic. Didn’t my mom have some of the first Melamine® non-ceramic dinner plates? First time I dropped a plate, it went: "clack." Oh, well.

Web watchdog group Food & Water Watch recently condemned industrial fish operation “Kona Blue,” after it was announced that its fish were supplied with melamine fortified feed and the firm subsequently suspended its sales.

I chronicled the dearth of FDA bottled water inspectors in my book: “The Cancer Link.” Seems that there was all of ONE full time inspector(s) on hand to monitor the whole of the multi-billion dollar American bottled water industry. The denuded budgets of the U.S. federal regulatory agencies are surely doing their part in jeopardizing American fish consumers, especially with rising fish imports.

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