Monday, June 11, 2007

I Speaketh...

Saul Albom interviews Brett Swailes, CEO of Shine Holdings, and they discuss the company's patented device works by "smashing" water in a high-pressurized cylinder. The output of this process are bubbles no bigger than 5 microns in size - too small to be seen by the naked eye - which super-oxygenates the water. Naturally, this device is perfect for America's growing aquaculture industry, as well as for wastewater cleaning businesses and even biodefense purposes, where gases such as ozone are diffused into water as a way of examining anthrax. Shine Holdings has executed a formal letter of intent to license its technology to U.S. BioDefense Inc., a Department of Defense Central Contractor developing homeland security and leading-edge biotechnologies. Under the agreement, U.S. BioDefense expects to secure an exclusive licensing agreement from Shine Holdings for an annual fee of $100,000. Listen to this podcast to learn more.

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