Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Oxygen Breakthrough!

There she sat.

Although already granted the provisional patent, after so many months of "talk-talk," (press releases and such), mostly in the fabrication and development stage, we have finally witnessed first light in our initial tests of the super-oxygenation prototype.

This device will be, we hope, the bedrock technology of the patents we filed. If it works out, it ought to produce the highest efficiency Dissolved Oxygen in the markets we targeted.

"Could you fill her up with 55 gallons - of water?"

The next photo is my first shot after doing all the plumbing with David, my brother-in-law. (I'm a klutz, he's the mechanical brain.) We just primed the thing, and got regular old bubbles - good for aquariums and such, but no cigar, at this point:

But wait! Lookie here:

That isn't dirty water, and it isn't milk, either. That is what I call first light.

For those in the know, SOTE = 60%+, bubble size ~5 microns.

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